Racer X Media Kit

ATV Motocross Event Program

Dedicated ATV Enthusiasts 

Unique Riders

Average Spectators per event

Official Souvenir Program

The events of the ATV Motocross National Championship, sanctioned by the AMA, take place at America’s premier amateur and professional motocross tracks.  National events will attract 300-600 racers from almost every state, as well as Canada and occasionally Europe, Australia, South America, and more. In addition, all 10 rounds are featured online at RacerTV.com, with a full schedule on MAVTV as part of the RacerTV program.

ATV Racing By the numbers

Stats as of 2024

Years of ATV Motocross Racing 39
Total Unique Riders 2,278
Average unique rider entires per event 467
Spectator average per event 3,000
Program Readership 15,000

Program Advertiser Perks

As an event program advertiser, you get tickets for each round of ATVMX: 8 tickets per spread, 4 tickets per full page.

ATVMX Program
ATVMX Program
Space 3/5/25
Materials Due 3/12/25
Dimensions & Specs
Book Size5.5'' x 8.5''
Spread Ad Specs11'' x 8.5'' plus 0.125'' bleed
Full Page Ad Specs5.5'' x 8.5'' plus 0.125'' bleed

Contact us to learn more

Contact us to discuss how advertising with Racer X can become an integral part of your marketing strategy. Need creative design services? Be sure to ask your sales rep about how Racer X can design your ads for you.