Racer X Media Kit

Mobile Pinned Ad Unit

High Impact on mobile Devices

Mobile Traffic

Average Daily Impressions

High Impact on Mobile

Our recently created Mobile Pinned Ad Unit, or MPU, is perfect for making the high impact that desktop site skins provide, only on a mobile device. This ad unit stays pinned to the top of racerxonline.com’s mobile site when the reader is scrolling through content. In a fast-paced, handheld society, this is the perfect ad unit to reach our 18,000-plus daily users and 181,000-plus daily page views. 

2 Minutes, 22 Seconds 
Average Mobile Session Duration

Ad stays pinned to the top of RXO on Mobile
Campaign Run-time Options
1-Day Flight
3-Day Flight
7-Day Flight 
7-Day Flight + Desktop Site Skin

Contact us to learn more

Contact us to discuss how advertising with Racer X can become an integral part of your marketing strategy. Need creative design services? Be sure to ask your sales rep about how Racer X can design your ads for you.