Print Sizes and Specifications 

Upload Instructions

Files can be uploaded to our website: 
Ad uploader

After selecting the publication and issue, upload your file, enter the advertiser name and email address, and click upload ad(s). You will get a confirmation email once the ad has completed uploading. If you don’t get a confirmation email, we did not get your file.

Preferred file format

Current file formats supported by Filter Publications are:

  • PDF X-1A (A4)
  • Images for 4/C ads must be submitted as final, high-resolution, 350 DPI, CMYK files. No RGB or JPEG images.
  • No transparent text, content or backgrounds. This can cause issues when printing. 
  • No True Type fonts or font substitutions.
  • The total density should not exceed SWOP, which is 300%.
  • All required trapping must be included in the file.
  • Include required document bleed per size specification. NOTE: Do not include crop, bleed, or trim marks. All bleed should be 1/4" (.25")
  • 4/C Line screen: 133 Density: 280%
  • B/W Line screen: 120 Density: 160%
  • 2/C Line screen: 120 Density: 160% Second color: Not to exceed 85%


  • Size:  15.25'' x 20.75'' (trim) with 0.375'' bleed on all sides
  • Images for 4/C posters must be submitted as final, high-resolution, 350 DPI, CMYK files. No RGB or JPEG images.

Contract Regulations

Rates are subject to change upon notice from the Publisher. Publisher guarantees that signed orders and contracts will be honored at contract rate in the next issue following the announcement of a rate increase. Advertising in issues subsequent to such an increase will then be billed at prevailing rates. At the time a rate change becomes necessary, advertiser may cancel as of the effective increase date without short rate.

If an order and/or new material is not received by the closing date for a contracted insertion—and in absence of written instructions to the contrary— Publisher will repeat the last advertisement run. He may at his discretion, however, omit the ad or run substitute copy. The buyer is nevertheless responsible for payment in full for the scheduled insertion.

Advertiser assumes full responsibility for the content of all ads/materials, and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Publisher harmless of, from and against
any and all actions, causes of actions, claims, demands, damages and injuries (“Claims”) on account of, arising from, or in any way growing out of, the publication of said ad/materials by Publisher. In the event of such Claim, Publisher shall have full rights of recourse against Advertiser for all fees, costs, expenses and payments to discharge said claim.

Advertiser agrees to pay all reasonable attorneys’ fees necessary to enforce this agreement. This agreement shall be unlimited as to amount or duration. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns.

Copy Regulations

The Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject all advertising copy which at his discretion is deemed objectionable, obscene, profane, pornographic or detrimental to the industry whether or not the ad had previously been accepted and/or published. Publisher is not responsible for any production charges incurred with the changing of an ad to meet our standards. If you have any doubts about your ad copy being accepted, please contact your advertising representative as soon as possible.

General Provisions

Key numbers are not guaranteed. No rebate allowed for errors due to the insertion of wrong key numbers or codes. The Publisher reserves the right to void any contract if the first insertion is not used within three months. All material not called for after one year will be destroyed.


Racer X reserves the right to edit or change copy submitted as we see fit to ensure maximum engagement through, Racer X social media, and Racer X email newsletter. Racer X also reserves the right to adjust campaign run-times and scheduled dates as we see fit to accommodate editorial and advertising needs. Racer X reserves the right to refuse to post any submitted ad material that we deem sensitive or controversial that would otherwise damage Racer X’s reputation.